Becoming an Action Goddess
Embody your inner Goddess to become confident, feminine & fearless.
On the trail and off
Start Today
It sucks trying to live up to any female stereotype. And let's be honest some of the male ones too.
Not feeling good enough or confident enough shows up in lots of areas in your life. It shows up in relationships, it shows up in the choices you make and it shows up when you ride your bike.
That lack of confidence, feeling not good enough & constant comparing stops you from integrating the skills, enjoying the challenge of biking, feeling like you are progressing and saying yes to every ride.
These choices make your biking (and life) feel small.
You're not someone who wants to live small.
Do you want to stop comparing yourself to everything and everyone else on the trail and just ride your bike?
Are you ready to have the confidence to lead yourself, speak your mind and ask for what you really want?
Are you ready to align with your Goddess self, kick playing small to the curb and create your experiences instead of having life dictate them for you?
Becoming an Action Goddess is the first women’s mountain bike course focused on owning your Action Goddess.
Giving you the skills to take up space, own your uniqueness and exude confidence while crushing your biking goals.
What life looks like when you become your goddess self
Shred on your bike - Feel the flow on every ride, confidence built from trusting your skills, learning from your frustrations and celebrating your wins.
Have a blueprint to how to align with your action Goddess, both on and off your bike. Leading yourself to be able to tackle anything and crush your goals.
Have a deeper understanding of the energy of the seasons, moons and your personal cycle and how to harness them to tackle that new feature and overcome the next challenge.
This program is for female mountain bikers who want to reignite the action goddess inside.
You are a goddess. You’ve always been one. But for a million different reasons throughout life, we lose touch with that. It’s time you remembered.
A goddess is one who knows that she is ready to be good enough, stop apologizing for what she can’t do and instead celebrate everything.
She wants to learn all the skills and tools to maximize her fun and confidence on her bike, on any trail she choses to ride.
This is a biking program, and it will teach you all the skills, tools and strategies for getting the most out of every ride.
However, this program is not for those just looking for skills, although that is a happy side benefit!
This is for women who are ready to embody their goddess energy, and take that energy to the trail, onto their bikes and into their lives.
Features: In this program you will get access to:
Build your unique blueprint to integrate and align with your personal power, with your Goddess self.
Access to the full BettyGoHard library includes all online course material and learning resources.
Bi-weekly 1:1 coaching calls with me.
Monthly workbooks with all the resources to build your blueprint. Will include prompts for tracking your activity, emotions, cycle in line with the time of year, seasons, moons and your own monthly cycle.
Email/Voxxer access to me! your personal coach. To get your questions answered in real time without waiting for our coaching call.
It's like having a bike coach, fitness coach, mindset coach in your back pocket. All the Bike Skills PLUS the focused Fitness Skills, Nutrition Skills, Energy tools that you need to step into your Action Goddess and have all the fun, on your bike and everywhere!
Course Milestones
Why this program is a year long.
Building your foundation; Betty (Self)
Tracking - self awareness
Year review - last year
Year review - future year
Align with year, seasons, moon cycles and self.
Building the structure to support the plan
Tips, myths and truths
Biking Skills
Relationship with self, relationships with others, relationship with bike
How do you treat you?
Mind Detox - lets look at our judgements
Abusive relationships, supportive relationships - you and your bike.
Creating the experience you want
Tips to improving your skills
Solid tools to level up
Creating your Blueprint
Adjusting, tweaking, speeding up or slowing down
Q & A
Taking your skills to the next level
Video analysis
Q & A
Connecting Heart - Head - Body
Becoming world proof
Holding power despite the storm around you
Walking through frustrations
Leading self
Be the one
Why you matter
Showing up
Energy Balance
Finishing Strong - knowing your seasons
Integration - falling off and getting back on.
So Here's The Bottom Line With Becoming an Action Goddess
Learn how to align your head, heart and body so that you can integrate the bike skills, embody the confidence and be the standard by which you judge yourself.
Build your own expectations,
celebrate your successes and failures,
knowing your worth is defined not by what you do,
how good you are at it
BUT how much fun you have doing it
You get all of this for only $147 per month CAD plus GST
OR Full Pay $1497 plus GST
Regular Price = $4997 plus GST
75% discount!!
PLUS get these custom bonuses to add rocket fuel to your results.
Bonus #1: 1:1 - 2 hour Private Lesson or video analysis session
Get out with me Natasha or one of our MYT coaches for an in person session or if geographically not possible we will do a video analysis on a key problem area of choice
Real Value: $150
Bonus#2: Personalized 5 day workout plan
Work with me Natasha to customize a workout program for you based on your desired results, time and schedule and what your action goals are.
Real Value: $200 to $600